Cooking Goddess
Chef Extraordinaire
Our rare fall-backs were either take out pizza or Chinese. But Mom cooked almost every night of her life, so we didn't go out to eat much at all, except for special occasions. We almost never eat at a fast food place these days. The one exception is Chick-fil-a, and only when we're on vacation.
Remember it? I see one just like it each time I go to shop at Aldi in Dayville, CT. Zip's Diner is right across the street. New England is littered with diner's.
Anyone remember signs like this?...
Loved A & W so much I had one of their mugs - the heavy glass one you could kill a person with. The root beer seemed to taste better from their mug. Haven't been to one for years, so I thought I would look them up. The nearest one isn't close, but we could make it fit into a very circuitous route home after doing a grocery run to Aldi. They open for the season on March 7th; their Fridays special will be clamcakes and chowder. Might make a run sometime during Lent.I was a regular patron of the first A & W fast food shop opened in Canada...I'm still a regular at A. & W. restaurants to this day !
I read that book last fall. It was really interesting and entertaining.This reminds me of an article I read on Serious Eats recently, by the author of "Drive-Thru Dreams: A Journey Through the Heart of America's Fast-Food Kingdom."...