What's your weather right now? 2024 Edition

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Hope you are spared by the worst of those storms, @blissful! That's great you prepared for the worst, but hopefully, you won't need it. And hopefully the bees and plants survive outside.

Got to 85° here today, and a little more humid, but I didn't have to do as much out there today. Getting hotter the next two days, and the severe weather is headed here for Thursday, but much less severe than it is out in the midwest.
Hope you are spared by the worst of those storms, @blissful! That's great you prepared for the worst, but hopefully, you won't need it. And hopefully the bees and plants survive outside.

Got to 85° here today, and a little more humid, but I didn't have to do as much out there today. Getting hotter the next two days, and the severe weather is headed here for Thursday, but much less severe than it is out in the midwest.

We have some storms coming on Thursday, too, but nothing severe. The temperatures here are supposed to be in the mid 90s this weekend, with 95F on Memorial Day. Fortunately, I will be in Denver this weekend, where it is expected to top out at 75F on Sunday.

Thank you so much for the concern! We're okay. There were high winds and some rain and thunder and lightning......nothing terrible but it mostly was north of us when it came right down to it. Lots of tornado warnings north of us.
I have lots of stuff to move back out into the sun tomorrow morning! And I put water in buckets just in case we lost electric.....which I can use for watering plants.
I think the whole preparation thing would be easier if we had extra backpacks laying around to fill with all the important stuff, dragging it down the stairs and back again...something on my list of things to find. MR bliss prepared a table with a clear area and a chair for me with a rug so I wasn't on the concrete and my feet wouldn't get cold....as if I was made of sugar or salt or something. :giggle: Very thoughtful of him.
Thank you so much for the concern! We're okay. There were high winds and some rain and thunder and lightning......nothing terrible but it mostly was north of us when it came right down to it. Lots of tornado warnings north of us.
I have lots of stuff to move back out into the sun tomorrow morning! And I put water in buckets just in case we lost electric.....which I can use for watering plants.
I think the whole preparation thing would be easier if we had extra backpacks laying around to fill with all the important stuff, dragging it down the stairs and back again...something on my list of things to find. MR bliss prepared a table with a clear area and a chair for me with a rug so I wasn't on the concrete and my feet wouldn't get cold....as if I was made of sugar or salt or something. :giggle: Very thoughtful of him.

When I lived on the Gulf Coast, people put together "bugout kits" full of stuff they could toss in the car to evacuate at the last minute.

When I lived on the Gulf Coast, people put together "bugout kits" full of stuff they could toss in the car to evacuate at the last minute.

Yes, this is kind of what we need, if say a tornado took off the house above ground. Things hard to replace and emergency supplies. I'm most concerned with the former. The more I put together the longer the list becomes!
After the hullabaloo was over, another storm followed with winds and rain and I opened and closed windows 3 more times late last night. Everything looks fine though it's really windy this morning.
Storms here today. I have places to go, and things to do, but my car ain't leaving the garage until these storms pass. I've had one car destroyed by hail, and learned my lesson.

Here's how it is looking right now...


My sister got power back at around 8AM today. She's going to have to throw almost all of the food in her fridge away. Maybe half of what's in her freezer -- anything raw, for sure.


I thought of you when it came on the news the other night

Hopefully we will hear from you more now that it is getting cold down there, and more motivated to stay inside on your computer. ;)

It is almost midnight here, and 80F/27C. I am bracing myself for what I know is coming in a few more weeks.


Still the same here. Wet and cold
Heat pump cranked up.

Ginny, two weeks ago I would say I'm cold. tonight it sounds wonderful... pant, pant...

Edit, just came in from watering all the plants and was sort of thinking of turning the hose on myself - but then I got some on my toes and it sort of made me come to my senses. :)
It's as hot up there as it is here! It got to 85° Tuesday, and 87° today, getting more humid each day. Rain tomorrow, but not much cooler.

Wow, that's about the same temperature as it was here Wednesday. It rained most of the day, so it is currently 70F and very humid. I just checked, and it's currently 70F there, too.

I fly to Denver Friday morning, so I'll miss the 95F forecast for Sunday. Well, I won't actually "miss" it. ;)

My favorite cousin, who lives in Medford Lakes, will be in Denver, too. Looks like he will will be enjoying the weather in Colorado, too.

"Supposed" to cool by a couple of degrees over the weekend. Then rain is being called for early next week but not too sure if it will cool things or make it horridly muggy.

May has always been super heated and then June turns cold to the point of wondering if there will ever be a "summer". Will it happen this year? The Great Suspense is on!
Warmer today, but much less humid, and almost no clouds in the sky, and a little breezy, so it was easy to work out there, as long as I stayed out of the sun!
We had another tornado warning. We hadn't fully unpacked our emergency stuff, so we hauled it downstairs again. Spent a half hour listening to the weather radio telling us where the tornadoes are and the direction they are going. Watched the radar on my phone. We had two emergency broadcasts pop up on our phones. We made it through just fine and nothing severe here. Just more rain.
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