ISO a cherry balsamic sauce

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Someone mentioned a cherry balsamic sauce awhile ago. I can't be sure but it may have been GotGarlic. I have tried a search with no results. I am planning to roast a turkey breast (need to get it out of my freezer) and it sounded good. I love cheery.

Please help.
What I did for the cherry reduction I made for the venison roast the other night was:

I rehydrated the dried bing cherries I had, strained the liquor. Put that and some cherry concentrate (from Old Vermont Country Store--we had bought that for my Mom's gout), added some cherry balsamic vinegar, some brown sugar, a 1/2 cinnamon stick, simmer on low until it was reduced by about 2/3. I didn't add any cherry jam. No, I don't have measurements. One could use honey or maple syrup. Too sweet, add some lemon juice or more vinegar. Taste, taste, taste. I would do this with blueberries as well or any other berry.
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