The End of Kodachrome

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
On December 30th, the last film processing lab in the world that develops Kodachrome film is closing its doors. Kodak announced it has stopped production of the chemicals used to develop Kodachrome. The demand is still there. The lab is developing 700 rolls a day.

Photography show 'Last Kodachrome' end of an era

Over the years, I have taken countless photos with my old Nikon and Kodachrome. Photos of vacations, holidays, my two beautiful daughters and much much more.

Digital photography has replaced film. It's the end of an era
.... and, gee, what about the Simon & Garafunkle song? Actually, I think it was just Simon. Kids who hear it in the future won't have a clue!
Well that just sucks. I still have some film and my camera. Oh well, I guess I can always process it myself.
Well that just sucks. I still have some film and my camera. Oh well, I guess I can always process it myself.

Alix, it's my understanding the reason for this is Kodak is not making the processing chemicals any longer. I think you are SOL.
I'm hanging on to my 40 year-old Nikon F.

If I had one, I would too. I got to borrow one from a friend in the '70s. That is one nice camera. I loved the split screen-surrounded-by-prisms focusing and the depth of field preview. It was also the first SLR I had ever seen. I didn't even know they existed before that ;)

At least there is still black and white film.
I don't know if other films are still available. If not, you have a really nice paperweight.

Fujichromes are still widely available. But I have not loaded that camera in almost 10 years.
It's still in my camera bag with other lenses. I'll eventually put them in our curio cabinet.
Many photos in my high school annuals were taken with that camera. Had lots of good times with that camera...
I think there are plenty of other color 35mm films available. Kodachrome is a positive image film that is generally used to produce slides.
I think there are plenty of other color 35mm films available. Kodachrome is a positive image film that is generally used to produce slides.

The discontinuing of Kodachrome is a loss because they were the widely considered the best for vivid color reproduction. It has been the film of choice for many pros for decades.
If I had one, I would too. I got to borrow one from a friend in the '70s. That is one nice camera. I loved the split screen-surrounded-by-prisms focusing and the depth of field preview. It was also the first SLR I had ever seen. I didn't even know they existed before that ;)
My very first SLR was a Canon, back in '68. Most other photo geeks in school had Minolta SRT 101's.

The Nikon F was a different breed with all its interchangeable finders, screens, backs, and such. I was able to afford them as I worked in the camera department of a US Navy Exchange in Japan, part time, while in high school. The US Dollar was very strong back then so everything was relatively cheap and affordable.
A new era - all the world's no longer a sunny day.

I think Kodak stopped making the film a little over a year ago, gave its last production roll of film to a national geographic photographer, I forget who. As planned, they recently stopped making the developing chemicals. Kodak unfortunately has a poor history with proprietary photo processes. Remember APS? I think it all stems from being deflated by a bitterly fought and lost patent fight they had with Polaroid many years ago.

I've seen many poster-size enlargements from 35mm Kodachrome that just blew me away. It was a remarkably fine grained and deeply saturated film.

In the past two years or so, I've sold or given away my Nikkomat FTn, Nikon F2 with motor drive, Baby Rollei 35, Pentax MZ-S and about 7 lenses for it, and a bunch of other film gear. Hopefully, I can keep a promise to myself not to part with my titanium Nikon FM3 and a few favorite lenses.
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