Today's Funny

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How true that is, creative!

While we're "wining" about cooking, I do like this little sign I have hanging off of my wine stand:
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That is a good one Taxy. :LOL::LOL: An excellent reminder to us that Canada is not another State just north of the lower 48. :angel:
That picture reminded me of what happened with my friend's cat. She (the cat) loved to play with plastic bags, pounced on them, got in them, etc, etc. One day though, she managed to get her head through the handle hole and got scared. My friend told me she was running through the house like a wild thing and she thought it was funny at first and was laughing at the cat. Then, she realized the cat was truly terrified and was trying to get away from the bag. She said it took her forever to catch the cat and by the time she did, they were both so out of breath with their hearts racing that she thought they one or both of them was going to have a heart attack (early 70s lady, 13 year old cat). She won't let the cat have a bag to play with anymore.
Oh dear! I've heard of that happening with cats and paper bags with handles too.
That happened to my cat, Dumbshit (Yes, he was so stupid, that we actually called him that.). This was in the 1970s. The plastic bag had a paper grocery bag inside (Yes, the stores usually double bagged that way back then.). So, it made crackling noises as he ran up and down a long hallway. We were laughing so hard we could hardly move. Because there were two of us, we caught him fairly quickly. Poor guy, something was strangling him and making scary crackling noises at him and he couldn't run fast enough to get away from it.
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When Django gets a hold of a paper bag, he tears his way out the bottom. Then he runs at it and slides all the way through. I haven't let him have a plastic bag.
Saw this on FB. It's in Swedish. It translates to,

"I ate lunch with a girlfriend yesterday and pointed at two older ladies at the other side of the room and said, "That's us in 10 years." She answered, "That's a mirror."

^ Hmmm taxlady - unfortunately I resonate with that, i.e. sometimes catch my reflection and think "who is that old woman?!"
I am there already. It seems that this past year I have come to the conclusion that I am truly now an elderly person. At 77 y.o., and considering my immediate family history and that of my ancestors, I honestly didn't think I would make it past 50 years. I had three grandparents that went in their late 30's, early 40's. On my father's side, the tribe members all die young. My grandfather beat the odds and made it to his late 60's. :angel:

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