What's Been Going On.

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
Any one here who has been around for a while knows I've always been a fairly private person. I don't easily share details of my private life. I also don't deal well with difficulties of people I care about here so I mostly avoid threads about health problems. That's a testament on me rather than any on this forum. However, I feel I want to explain what's been going on with me.

Last winter, my SO, Suzanne, developed a seizure disorder. The seizures became frequent and regular with several per day being the norm at its peak. The seizures are confined to her hands and arms but are still painful and debilitating. Treatment with a neurologist has lessened seizures in intensity and frequency to the point where a seizure occurs once in 2-3 weeks.

This has come at a cost. The meds have side effects that have had a significant impact on Suzanne's general well being, with speech difficulties and confusion. It's extremely frustrating for her. She has had to give up driving and we sold her car this past spring. She has always been proudly independent it was a difficult step for her to accept.

We sought a second opinion at a highly regarded regional medical center. The neurologist there recommended a weeklong hospital stay where she would be electronically and visually monitored while she was gradually taken off her meds. This would give the neurologist detailed info on what's going on in her brain. Precise measurements of brain activity during seizures will hopefully give them what they need to improve her situation.

Today I took her to the hospital to start this treatment. She's hopeful but I don't know what to think. I know I'd be thrilled if there was a solution that didn't involve so many meds that have altered her so much. I want my sweetheart back again.

Thanks for listening.
Oh Andy. My heart go out to you. And to your beloved Suzanne, you know she will always have our prayers. I hope they find a better solution than the first one. Sometimes it is difficult to seek a second opinion. A lot of folks are afraid of hurting the feelings of the first doctor. But the both of you are very fortunate in that you have some of the very best doctors in the world practicing here.

Do keep us informed of her progress. And I am expecting progress, not any word less. :angel:
Oh Andy, I am so sorry to hear this!!

Hugs to you and Suzanne!

I hope the hospital stay sheds light on the situation so that it's more manageable for you both
Andy, I'm so sorry to hear this. I kind of wondered a while back when you mentioned a few times having to take Suzanne to doctor's appointments.

I've never mentioned this before either, but my daughter has epilepsy. It didn't show itself until she was in her early 20's and had two full blown whole body seizures at work, 6 months apart. She had black eyes and cuts on her forehead from the intensity of the seizing.

She started seeing a neurologist down in Santa Barbara, many tests were run, different meds were tried, and they hit on a combination that works. She's now 31, hasn't seized in 8 years, there are no side effects from the meds, she got married, had a baby who is now 6 years old (Tyler), she drives, and lives a normal life.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is hope for meds that can help Suzanne. They may have to try a few, but I feel sure they'll hit on something that works for her. Best wishes, loves and big hugs to you both.
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Andy, I understand fully how hard this was for you to share this, I really do, as I share your privacy feeling. I don't have any advice, but want you to know I'm in your corner looking for constructive ideas. Good for you for asking!
Suzanne is lucky to have you looking out for her. Hugs for you both and I hope they find a combo that works and gives more of her back to you.
Wow, that's a tough blow, Andy. Here's to hoping all the doctors find a workable solution that brings your sweetheart back to you good as new. Or as new as they can make a 60-something person. :ermm: Sorry, I just had to lighten the mood.

Seriously, though, I'll keep you and Suzanne in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to you both. And thank you so much for letting us all know about your challenges.
Sending good and hopeful thoughts to you and Suzanne that the new doc comes up with something to help her.
Thank you, folks for your kind thoughts. Having a quick breakfast before I head out to see her this morning.
Wow, Andy. That sounds rough. I'm glad she's getting some help with this testing at the hospital. It will be a long week but I'm hopeful they will be able to figure out something for your sweetie. Prayers for the both of you from me.

Wishing you and Suzanne all the best.

If you don't know it yet. From a wife's point of view. You are her best medication. No Dr can beat that.

Thank you all.

Not much different going on today. Reduced meds and several opportunities to record significant brain waves.
I haven't "chimed in" because I've been mulling your situation about in my head and heart.

I'm glad you've (both of you) sought another opinion. Reasonable approach because both you and Suzanne are smart people.

From being in the midst of a health issue that is, somewhat, out of my control, I can understand how you feel. Uncertainty is unnerving. It can eat you up, but it seems as though there are resources available to Suzanne that will aid in the solution to her issue.

As someone has already mentioned, your love and support will be at the top of the list of positive-results prescribed medications. I don't know what I would do without Glenn's love and support.

It's only day #1, which allows for the bulk of the week to disclose the problems and potential solutions. Our world wasn't built in a day. Look what wonderful things 7 days can offer.

Wishing and sending you both strength, support and love.
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Andy, thank you for the courage to let us know what is happening with Suzanne..We all really appreciate this. Please keep us informed as the week progresses. All the Best to you both.
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