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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
The question is not about Ghee itself, but how would you pluralize the word "Ghee". My wife and I are playing scrabble and she added an "S" to the end of it, just doesn't sound right to me, ( I think she's cheating)
I'd say the plural of ghee is constructed the same as the plural for butter.

I suppose if there were different types of ghee you could refer to the 'different ghees'. After all, there are different butters...
Ghees is the plural of Ghee but, you make be able to get her with the rule it's not a word of standard American English... My brother and I once got in a scabble argument on whether or not Aloha is an American word..
The question is not about Ghee itself, but how would you pluralize the word "Ghee". My wife and I are playing scrabble and she added an "S" to the end of it, just doesn't sound right to me, ( I think she's cheating)

As long as she's talking about butter and not a noisy flock of birds:LOL::ROFLMAO:
Apparently Ghee can be pluralized with Ghees. I would have lost anyway, she beat me by 50 points.

I chalk this one up to better luck next time, and you learn something new every day.
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